Pride Power

silver banner

The Color Silver

by James Masters


Will, one of the twelve inherent powers recognized by Charles Fillmore, holds a significant place in our journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. While not part of the traditional Pride rainbow, exploring the power of Will allows us to tap into our divine authority and align our intentions with the flow of universal energy. It is symbolized by the color silver.

In Fillmore's teachings, Will represents more than mere determination or personal drive. It is about recognizing our oneness with the infinite intelligence and co-creating with the universe. Will empowers us to shape our reality by aligning our thoughts, emotions, and actions with the divine purpose.

Unleash Will

To unleash the power of Will in our lives, we must cultivate awareness and intentionality. By clarifying our desires and setting heartfelt intentions, we ignite the flame of Will within us. Affirmations and visualization techniques help us vividly envision our desired outcomes, amplifying our divine authority.

Obstacles and challenges are inevitable on our journey, but the power of Will grants us the strength and resilience to overcome them. By anchoring ourselves in a deep trust in the divine order, we can transform setbacks into stepping stones. Will enables us to persevere, navigate life's twists and turns, and manifest our dreams.

Embrace Will

Embracing Will is an invitation to engage in divine co-creation. By aligning our personal will with the universal will, we become conscious agents of positive change. We tap into our hidden potentials, contribute to the greater good, and serve the world with love and compassion. Will empowers us to fulfill our soul's purpose and live authentically.


When I want to experience something, but I feel resistant I use the word "willing" if it seems like too much of a leap to simply say, "I am..."  Louise Hay, a New Thought Teacher, talked a lot about loving the self. She had people look into the mirror and say, "<your name> I love you, I really love you."

However, some people find this challenging, especially if they have never practiced self-love. She would have these people start out by saying, "I am willing to love you." If people still experienced resistance she would have them say, "I am willing to learn to like you."

This can also be helpful for the forgiveness process. Some things seem too difficult to forgive, but we can say, "I am willing to forgive." The Universe can use our willingness and provide a way for us to forgive.

The power of Will invites us to embrace our divine authority and align our intentions with the flow of universal energy. By nurturing awareness, setting heartfelt intentions, and trusting in the divine order, we unlock the transformative potential within us. Through Will, we become conscious co-creators, shaping a life of purpose, fulfillment, and spiritual growth.

Silver (gray) background with the words: Unity of Springfield, Pride Power: Silver, and Affirmation: "I align my will with the powers of Love and Wisdom and allow those powers to direct all that I think, say, and do."

An affirmation for Will:

I align my will with the powers of Love and Wisdom and allow those powers to direct all that I think, say, and do.



Pride Resources

Image of the words "Unity," the pride Unity logo, the word Pride multiple times in rainbow, and image of a diverse group of people holding a pride flag, the word resources, and the words Unity of Springfield.


image of a woman with her hands on her heart


Image of a woman facing the sun with her arms reaching to the sky


Image of a woman by the water meditating