Pride Power

russet banner

The Color Russet

by James Masters


Although not part of the traditional Pride rainbow, the color russet symbolizes the power of Release in the 12 Powers. Release is a transformative power that empowers us by letting go. It invites us to free ourselves from the grip of the past and unhelpful beliefs, enabling us to create a more fulfilling and authentic life.

Many of us have hold on to old negative experiences, replaying them in our minds without realizing the impact they have on our present and future. These experiences shape our perception of the world, keeping us stuck and clouding our vision.


Through the power of Release, we have the opportunity to liberate ourselves. We can consciously choose to let go of outdated beliefs that no longer serve us. Our minds have the freedom to believe whatever we want, and it is essential to question the beliefs we have adopted from our upbringing or society.

For example, I carried a belief that "money doesn't grow on trees" from my early childhood. However, when presented with an opportunity to trade for a basket of peaches from my neighbor's orchard, it was like the Universe saying, “You see, money does grow on trees.” In that moment, I was able to release that old belief, and my experience with money changed drastically from that point on.

Our Reality

Our beliefs shape our reality. Even if they are unfounded or false, when we replay them in our minds, they become our truth. Release empowers us to let go of anything that no longer serves our lives, be it a habit, a limiting belief, an unfulfilling job, or a stagnant relationship. But the true work lies within our own minds.

To create lasting change, we must cultivate a healthy mental atmosphere. Some beliefs may have served us in the past but are no longer aligned with our growth. “Don’t talk to strangers” makes sense for a little child but does not serve us in adulthood. Recognizing and releasing limiting beliefs empowers us to manifest lives that align with our true desires and aspirations.

Release invites us to embrace the present moment, free from the shackles of the past. It enables us to step into our authentic power and create a life filled with joy, abundance, and purpose. By harnessing the power of Release, we open ourselves to new possibilities and invite transformation into our lives.

Russet colored background with the words: Unity of Springfield, Pride Power: russet, and Affirmation: "I now free myself from destructive fears and doubts. I release the past and forgive everyone, including myself."

An affirmation for Release:

I now free myself from destructive fears and doubts. I release the past and forgive everyone, including myself.



Pride Resources

Image of the words "Unity," the pride Unity logo, the word Pride multiple times in rainbow, and image of a diverse group of people holding a pride flag, the word resources, and the words Unity of Springfield.


image of a woman with her hands on her heart


Image of a woman facing the sun with her arms reaching to the sky


Image of a woman by the water meditating