Pride Power

pink banner

The Color Pink

by James Masters


The color pink in the traditional Pride flag represents sex, a subject that has often been taboo within religions and spiritual traditions. Even within the Unity movement, there has been a history of avoidance and repression of the topic of sex. This stems from rigid Victorian ideals that associated sex solely with procreation. However, sex and sexuality are natural and normal aspects of our biology. Diversity of sexuality and gender expression is found in many species, including humans.

Some traditions, even within the New Thought movement, talk about escaping the physical and replacing it with the spiritual. Some traditions even state that the physical realm is an illusion. However, I believe that spirituality is not meant to be a method of escaping the physical experience, but that our spiritual practice should instead elevate our physical experience and allow us to better embrace our physical reality.

Let's Talk About Sex

The innate biological urge to merge is a natural and normal part of the human experience. Attempts to diminish the value of sex and sexuality are as nonsensical as devaluing the nourishment we receive from food. We have a long way to go for true sexual liberation, but I appreciate the progress made in society and within the Unity movement. Healthy sex and a genuine appreciation of sexuality can be integral to our spiritual paths.


In the 12-Powers, the color pink is associated with the power of love. Many religious traditions express the belief that "God is love," a sentiment reflected in religious literature. I view love as the healing force of our planet, and when we engage with others in loving ways, we contribute to the healing of our planet.

Spiritual teachings often challenge us to "love our enemies." However, it is crucial to understand that love does not imply unconditional approval of harmful behavior. The master teacher Jesus emphasized loving our neighbors "as ourselves," highlighting the importance of self-love and the ability to establish healthy boundaries with others.

I once faced immense dislike for a presidential candidate, struggling to overcome the frustration and distress this person triggered within me. Through prayer and meditation, my intuition guided me to "love this person." Initially, I found it nearly impossible. But then, while listening to one of this person’s angry speeches, I realized I was witnessing a frightened, immature individual lacking empathy. Their speech mimicked the temper tantrum of a small child who hadn't yet grasped the complexities of the world. My heart filled with love because it is natural to love and have compassion for a child. You can love a three-year-old child, but you would not want to elect them president.

When we understand that everyone is doing their best based on their understanding and awareness, we can hold love for them while still establishing healthy boundaries. Love is a transformative force, and by embracing love in our interactions, we contribute to a more compassionate and understanding world.

Pink background with the words: Unity of Springfield, Pride Power: Pink, and Affirmation: "I am perfect, whole, and complete. I am at peace with my sexuality."

An affirmation for Sex/Love

I am perfect, whole, and complete. I am at peace with my sexuality.


Pride Resources

Image of the words "Unity," the pride Unity logo, the word Pride multiple times in rainbow, and image of a diverse group of people holding a pride flag, the word resources, and the words Unity of Springfield.


image of a woman with her hands on her heart


Image of a woman facing the sun with her arms reaching to the sky


Image of a woman by the water meditating