Pride Power


The Color Orange

by James Masters

The color orange in the traditional Pride Flag represents healing, and in the Twelve Powers, it symbolizes Zeal. We will explore both topics.


Within all New Thought traditions, healing is a central theme of discussion. The topic encompasses much more than just physical changes. Healing is deeply intertwined with the concept of wholeness. The word "heal" shares the same root as "wholeness," and healing is the process of unfolding and becoming whole.

Already Whole

It's important to remember that every individual on this planet is already whole. However, the process of healing involves recognizing one's own sacred worth and embracing the benefits that come with this understanding. A powerful example of this recognition is seen in the story of Myrtle Fillmore, one of our founders. After attending a lecture by Dr. E. B. Weeks on the power of the mind, she received the affirmation:

"I am a child of God; therefore, I do not inherit sickness."

Myrtle had been sick for years, diagnosed with tuberculosis at a young age. But through her newfound understanding of healing, she experienced a transformation. She used affirmations, including this one, throughout her life and lived to be 86 years old, defying the doctor's prognosis of a mere two months to live.

It's worth noting that within the New Thought movement, there is a minority that rejects conventional treatments for illness. The Unity movement embraces the understanding that healing, much like one's spiritual path, is a personal journey. While Unity does not discredit any traditional medicine, it also does not promote any particular approach. Instead, Unity provides a supportive community and context for individuals to make choices that align with their own beliefs and needs.

Using Affirmations

Here is an affirmation to affirm the goodness of Life. Affirmations are a spiritual practice that can help replace negative internal messages with positive ones. In New Thought, we teach the connection between thought and experience. Thoughts/affirmations such as "My life sucks" have the potential to create a certain type of undesirable experience, while thoughts like "My life is wonderful" have the potential to lead to a different set of experiences.

It's important to remember that when someone begins using an affirmation, it may not initially feel true. This is expected because if it were already true, there would be no need for affirmation.

Orange background with the words: Unity of Springfield, Pride Power: Orange, and Affirmation: "Healing energy flows through my body, mind, circumstances, and community. Wholeness flows through my consciousness expanding my capacity to experience love, joy, and peace."

Here's an affirmation for healing:

“Healing energy flows through my body, mind, circumstances, and community. Wholeness flows through my consciousness expanding my capacity to experience love, joy, and peace.”

An affirmation for Zeal:

"I enthusiastically accept my good and go forward to achieve my purpose."

Pride Resources

Image of the words "Unity," the pride Unity logo, the word Pride multiple times in rainbow, and image of a diverse group of people holding a pride flag, the word resources, and the words Unity of Springfield.


image of a woman with her hands on her heart


Image of a woman facing the sun with her arms reaching to the sky


Image of a woman by the water meditating