"I Found Answers" by Gwenda Williams

Image of mountains.

Cultivating a Path

I have never understood why people believe that an ancient book is the word of God, and that word is not to or questioned. That is until I started attending Unity of Springfield, a non-denominational church. Unity of Springfield's spiritual teachings explain that we are taught these doctrines by our families. As children we learn to accept these doctrines without questioning and practice them without thinking. Even though Unity of Springfield's spiritual leader uses this ancient book to discuss spiritual principles, within Unity's teachings other traditions and paths are not edged out. 

A Child of God

Traditional Christianity often teaches that God is a male, prejudice, intolerant, judgmental, vengeful, and punishes. Unity teaches that God is an indwelling Spiritual Source, God is accepting, and God is Love.  That we are all children of God. In other words, unlike traditional Christianity, God is not made in man's image, but humankind reflects God’s image.

In my youth I was also taught that people were "born sinners," and need forgiveness and that Jesus is the one and only son of God. This fear-based messages said that I had to believe that Jesus died for my sins otherwise God would torture me forever.  

When I started attending Unity I started experiencing a God of love. They focused less on the mythology of Jesus and more on the spiritual teachings and practices of Jesus.

Practical Spirituality

Unity offers practical tools of spiritual development, and principles that can help you live a life full of joy. Instead of strict dogmas or doctrines, Unity has five guiding principles and trusts that individuals, through the inner working of the Spirit, can cultivate a connection with Divine Presence.

Five Basic Principles of Unity

The first principle is that God is good and the second is that people, being in the image and likeness of God, are also good. It is our innate goodness that connects us with spiritual truths and allows us to experience more love, joy, and peace in our lives.

You can find out more about these principles here by going to: www.unityofspringfield.org/AboutUoS.

My Gratitude
There is an old saying that says, "When the student is ready, the teacher appears." This was certainly true for me. When I started to question the rigid religious teachings of your childhood it opened a whole new world of experiencing God. 

As Jesus said:

"Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8

Are you ready to embrace the teachings of new thought?  Are you ready to take your path of spiritual knowing that will transform your life? 

Here’s a resource to get you started:

Discover the Power Within

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This blog was submitted by Gwenda Williams. We appreciate your contribution.

Image of quote from blog, "There is an old saying that goes, "When the student is ready, the teacher appears." This was certainly true for me. When I started to question the rigid religious teachings of your childhood it opened a whole new world of experiencing God." with mountains in the background.