A.C.I.M. (A Course in Miracles)

Meets in Fellowship Hall

 You are invited to come at 6 pm for socializing with other attendees, with class beginning at 6:30 pm. 

 A Course in Miracles is a self-study course for retraining the mind that is spiritual rather than religious in its perspective.

 "A Course in Miracles" is a remarkable, entirely unique book that has touched the lives of millions. The Course combines spiritual wisdom, psychological insight, and a one-year training program into a   practical answer to humankind's deepest innermost need. Its purpose is to teach the process of "removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence." The material contained in the book was channeled   entirely through Dr. Helen Schucman.

 The Course has demonstrated a profound ability to speak to people's hearts and transform their minds, and as a result, since 1975, it has attracted an ever-growing number of devoted students.

 This class meets every Monday (except on Holidays) to discuss the book, "A Course In Miracles: Complete and Annotated" edition by the Circle of Atonement.