Musings from Our Administrator

   May Day! May Day! “Mayday got its start as an international distress call in 1923. It was made official in 1948.” I prefer to remember making pastel tissue umbrellas with my Mother; picking flowers to put in them along with a little candy and delivering them to the neighbors and close friends. As I write this Monday, April 27, it is my Day #45 in solitary confinement. It is the beginning of Week 8 on working at home. I have done very well, my daughter brings me groceries, runs in the house and out, won’t sit down—she might give me germs and I am of the high-risk age range and had pneumonia last June. My only ‘outings’ are to the drive thru bank for the Church (keep those checks coming, please) and Neighborhood Market drive thru for prescriptions.  Without working every day, I might have been running from the house shouting, “May Day!” Actually I’ve remained calm and relaxed except for one evening I made the mistake of watching a tearjerker Lifetime movie and became quite emotional!

   I have been so proud, enthused, and nurtured by the connectedness that Facebook Live and Zoom provide. I THANK all who were involved in pulling it off! I even battled the electronics of two laptops, one phone, and a tablet to be able to read the Daily Word which I really enjoy doing. Whether Sue’s Service or Wednesday Class, or the Daily Word, I love seeing all the people on there and reading the comments. Only my tablet will still use the camera because if I get a question about ‘sharing’ I don’t know if it’s safe or necessary, so my answer is, “No!” I guess there was a time I should have answered “Yes” and during quarantine time, I can’t ask someone to take care of it for me. Please don’t call or message me as to how to fix it—it just overwhelms me and I become so frustrated.

   Several exciting things are occurring in spite of our being separated! The garage door at the Teen House was repaired. Board members have met with three roofers to get their quotes to replace the roof on the church and Teen House with a “total replace” from the insurance company. A decision has been made as to which design to use for the sign and next we’ll do cost comparisons to determine which company we will use. I’ve said, “Thank you for your service” to Jillian Schaffer when she resigned as Youth Director, and I discussed the opportunity with Rachel Barnes and welcomed her as Youth Director. The little pod will be open Mondays, 9:00 to 11:30 am to receive items for sale at Planet Unity. Please bring only items very slightly used and in good working order. Our space is very limited for storage. NO furniture, NO clothing, NO electronics (we have to pay to recycle electronics that don’t sell).

   In the words of Roy Rogers, “Until we meet again, may the good Lord take a liking to you!” And the good news is that God loves every one of us (unconditionally)!

Namaste ~ Dee